Recommended reading for the martial arts. This is my personal library list. I practice Okinawan Te or "Ryukyu Ti." My system is derived from two others, one being the main influence of Shorin-ryu and the second Goju-ryu. The branch under Shorin-ryu is Isshin-ryu as developed by Shimabuku Tatsuo Sensei.

I wanted to create a library reference blog where I can provide a listing of the books I have in my library, present and past (past in that some have been lost in transit over the years). I will provide a graphic, if available, a short description, if available, and the bibliography. When possible a link to Amazon will be provided.

"Read not to contradict and confute; nor to believe and take for granted; nor to find talk and discourse; but to weigh and consider..." - Francis Bacon

Reader's of this Blog

Monday, June 11, 2012

Complete Book of Five Rings

Tokitsu, Kenji. "The Complete Book of Five Rings." Shambhala Publications. Boston. 2000.

Review: I have several translations from several translators on the Gorin no Sho but this one is a bit beyond those in context, content and understanding. I am in the process of reading it yet felt it a large contributor toward understanding budo, etc. and felt it was a library addition of note.

It is a book with a unique definition and historical time-line on the concept of "budo." A more modern term that speaks to the warrior and the way, etc. A very interesting viewpoint on this single term often used and abused in modern circles of martial arts.

This book has a section at the back in "notes" that discusses the difficulties in translations. It is worth the effort to read this section with diligence simply because the writing of kanji/kana is based from feudal times and influences the culture and beliefs of the Japanese which by direct and indirect influences either comes from or adds to the Okinawan's and Chinese cultures and beliefs. 

More to come .....

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